FOSSbot Feature Request: Post Comment on upvote

Hello Steemians!

Today I want to share my feature request according @personz FOSSbot

If you don't know anything about FOSSbot yet, go and check out it's github page
Basicly said this is a bot voting for you on your behaves - you can fully tune it to your needs

Request: Post Comment on upvote

It's as simple as the title already says it. I want to request @personz to add an option where one can set up a comment that shall be posted once your bot votes on someones post. In addition to this I think it would be also nice to tell your bot which people should receive your comment and which not.

Pictures of possible integration

I think these one should be self explaining but I will add one or two comments to each picture


This is FOSSbots Dashboard
Highlited with red borders is the hopefully new feature Edit Comment


Edit Comments detail page
Here you can add - of course - your comment and additional set rules who should receive your upvote comment


This is an example how such upvote comment could look like

In my case my bot runs and votes for my followers to give a little love back to all my supporters and I feel like it would be nice to let them know they just got upvoted because of this 😊

I know of 3 people at the moment who like my proposal, it's rkoconsult(unfortunately I can't find him with this name here on steemit), @camb and @personz himself
So I have big hopes this feature request will be considered for one of the next updates - would really appreciate it 😉

What do you think, dear reader?

Would this be something useful for FOSSbot to add and you would like to see/use in near future?
Feel free to leave your comment below or post any questions you have according FOSSbot

Thanks for your time and reading!

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