Xbox One Fortnite Parental Controls how to fix "user generated content" error

Image of Xbox One Fortnite Error

This account for Xbox Live does not allow user-generated content.
Please try again with a different account.

If you've applied Parental Controls to Xbox Devices, chances are Fortnite might complain about user-generated content. And your kids are asking you to fix it, and like me you've probably spent a lot of time to figure out to fix it, without success. So, here you go, I've documented my journey, to make your life easier =)

Here is how you fix it:

You can login on any Xbox One console with your account as "Yourself" the Adult Account which manages family members.

Go To:

  1. Settings
  2. Account
  3. Family Settings
  4. Manage Family Members
  5. Select the child for which you want to adjust permissions
  6. Privacy & Online Safety
  7. Xbox Live Privacy
  8. Select View Details & Customize (under Custom)
  9. Game content
    a. Look for the box that says "You can see and upload community creations"
    b. Change this setting to "Everybody"

Thats it, your done, and your kids can now play Fortnite on their Xbox

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