The DEFINITION of the word FORK.

Yesterday there was some discussion over the definition of the word FORK.

So here it is:

As you can see I have very mildly tried to draw your attention to the definition that is applicable to the topic at hand.

This can be applied to any business model or business plan, including but not limited to those that are dependent upon "code".

So far so good, at least for those who do not wish to "change" or "correct" MERRIAM-WEBSTER who have been one of the most reliable sources for definitions of words for idk, almost 200 years now.

So, when I stated that what some are referring to as a "sidechain" is "by definition of the word, a fork" i.e.


Then I dare say that "by definition" as clearly shown above, not by "interpretation", but BY DEFINITION, that what it is.


PS. Just in case anyone read anything else than what I wrote, or wishes to add anything to it, (damage control)

Now if anyone wishes to redefine the word, please speak to the owners and employees of the various dictionaries out there.

I didn't write them, nor do I own them, nor do I intend on "interpreting" or "redefining" anything that is clearly defined by the professionals.

So to all those that said "NO, IT ISN'T A FORK".

If the above proof for what I clearly stated isn't enough, then so be it.

Obviously, we won't see eye to eye and I am not one who has learned to deal with matters and people in any other way than eye to eye.

If anyone wished to state anything to differ, please do so and please draw your squiggly line diagrams to try and redefine the meaning of the word "fork".

ooops, almost forgot: Source

I rest my case as for what I stated.

Source sooorrrryyyyyyyyyy


The accusation has been made that I have been "creative" with the definition of the word FORK.

So to put that accusation where it belongs into a state of


US English:

English English or better known as UK English

Do I really need to add more dictionaries to clearly show what a "FORK" is!


Yours truly,

If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones


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