The Light of Forgiveness


Forgive your past self. When you confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with the light of your forgiveness, your willingness to wrestle with your demons in this way will cause your angels to sing. 🌟

No one is sent by accident to anyone. This is a sentence from The Course in Miracles. Everyone we meet, we have met before ~ in some other timeline in our incarnation cycles.

We get a chance to bring healing to places in the spiritual web between our souls, where we have wounded each other ~ one way or another.

We get a chance to choose love again. And the good we have created together before ~ continues to grow stronger, when we meet again.

If you don't like someone the second you see the person, then, you really need to pratice forgiveness ~ because it is an old memory, that are being triggered ~ the dislike feeling. Something, that was painful and destructive has happened between you and that person.

It can also be a collective memory, but nevertheless ~ the light of forgiveness is the remedy to clean the memory, so healing can occur. After we have released the light of forgiveness, which in many cases need to be done over a period of time ~ then in a divine process the memories will be cleaned in our chakras, and then we will often receive direct guidance from Spirit about the next step to take in a given situation.

It is really amazing how quantum forgiveness work. Don't hold forgiveness back. All you really want in life is ~ God's peace ~ comes through forgiveness.

Through forgiveness you literally become a time jumper. You take away lessons from your "schedule" (soul plan), that you no longer are in need of, because you chose to release the healing light of forgiveness. Many lessons will be deleted from your own timeline(s) ~ directed by the Holy Spirit. God's intelligent power. 💚

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@starangel 🌟

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