My jurnal trading EUR/JPY afternoon 01-02-2018


credit by : @wellyerfyanto

Selamat siang steemian dan trader, alkhamdulillah siang hari ini dapat profit di erujpy. Kenapa saya open posisi buy siang hari ini karena semua bb sedang up dan harga memantul di bb hijau. Karena semalam ada cb sell yang bergerak tanpa adanya laut tenang. Maka kebiasaan pair euro selalu kembali ke harga open cb.
Salam profit selalu.

translete ::

Good day steemian and trader, alkhamdulillah this afternoon can profit in erujpy. Why do I open a buy position this afternoon because all the bb is up and the price bounces on the green bb. Because last night there was a cell phone that moved without a calm sea. Then the habit of euro pair always return to the open price cb.
Greeting profit always.

Note ::
hijau : harian/dialy
ungu : migguan/weekly
biru : bulanan/monthly


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