Jurnal trading EUR/JPY 26-01-2018


credit by : @wellyerfyanto

Selamat sore steemian, kemarin akun utama sedang ada floating jadi lebih baik berdiami diri dulu sambil belajar lagi. Ini menggunakan akun kedua, kenapa saya membuka posisi sell pada eurjpy karena harga berada di atas range bb bulanan dan bb harian. Sedangkan bb mingguan sedang flat di situ terdapat laut tenang dan tinggal menunggu arah. Apakah akan ada arah ke buy atau ke sell.
Salam profit selalu trader lndonesia.

translete ::

Good afternoon stemian, yesterday the main account was no floating so better first self-esteem while learning again. It uses a second account, why do I open a sell position on eurjpy because the price is above the monthly bb range and the daily bb. While the weekly bb is flat there is a calm sea and just waiting for directions. Whether there will be direction to buy or to sell.
Greeting profit is always a lndonesian trader.

Note ::
hijau : harian/dialy
ungu : migguan/weekly
biru : bulanan/monthly


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