# What does forest friendly mean to you and how forest friendly are you?

Hello Family,

Before I share my own point of view of the question I just want to say I am so delighted and honor to be a member of this incredible family who sees nature as an integral part of our life that humankind cannot survive without if we do not live in harmony with nature and have taken upon this initiative to reach out to many to understand this aspect about our life that is been neglecting.

20180312_131105.jpg Part of Forest Friendly Family in the Bamenda Highland Forest

What does forest friendly means to me?

Forest friendly to me means when people such as @thanianshiri, @mr-greens, @laurakiss, @martin.mikes, @raserrano and many others who I have not mentioned, or a group of persons with like mines have come together such as @forestfriendly or organizations such @thegreens, @kedjom-keku have taken upon themselves to live greens lives, take actions and initiatives such as planting of trees, conservation of the forest, sensitizing and educating the population on the importance of the forest via any means they have such as through radio talks, in schools, in their communities, and through social media.

How forest friendly I am

How forest friendly I am can be seen from some of my action toward nature such as planting of trees, advocating on the importance of the forest via radio talks and also involve in sensitization campaigns in schools where we teach children how to plant trees. I was also a member of the SASH program that lasted for 2 months in which we train and taught children how to plant trees and also empower them to take actions via community service to clean up, fix-up and conserve the environment, added to this I am a member of the conservation team that is involved in the conservation of the Bamenda Highland Forest in Cameroon and above all I am a member of the forest friendly family.

20180515_111455.jpg that is me planting a tree

20180712_103208.jpg teaching children how to plant trees

20180310_101741.jpg advocating for forest conservation via radio talk

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