The CFR is the hub of big bank establishment control over the Federal Government.


Zbigniew Brzezinski stated that the purpose of the US wars was to control the flow of all of the oil in the world in order to control Eurasia (economically).

Russia and China are in Eurasia.

This was for the central bankers, including the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. David Rockefeller called this “globalization”.

Brzezinski was David Rockefeller’s right hand man in recruiting Jimmy Carter into Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission when Carter was the Governor of Georgia.

David Rockefeller sat on the board of NBC which is still headquartered at Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller gave Carter the media exposure that he needed to win the Democratic Party primary in 1976.

Brzezinski was appointed Carter’s US National Security Adviser and led the CIA arming of the Mujahideen.

The Mujahideen morphed into al Qaeda and ISIS, etc.

Obama and McCain were both financed by the Rockefeller commercial banks, Chase and Citi, plus the other two Big Four US Banks, as their top donors as they ran against each other in 2008.

Obama’s US foreign policy adviser on oil wars in eight nations was Zbigniew Brzezinski.

US General Michael Flynn was persecuted for his statement that the Obama administration knowingly supported ISIS and al Qaeda, etc.

Israel’s IDF commander, Lt. General Eisenkot stated that Israel has supported ISIS, al Qaeda, and the Free Syrian Army (“moderate rebels”) for years.

The Saudis admitted they armed ISIS.

The US Coalition forces in Iraq and Syria support ISIS and al Qaeda.

They support the same wing of al Qaeda (in Syria) that flew planes into the WTC towers on 9/11.

US General Wesley Clark (ret.) said that when he was working at the Pentagon he was given a long list of nations that would be invaded, soon after 9/11.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds run the 100-year-old Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which says that it influences US foreign policy (including oil wars).

The CFR membership has included US Presidents, Vice Presidents, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, US military generals, CIA directors, news media leaders, and Hollywood movie producers, etc.

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