Found a Peach Tree! Summer Urban Foraging/Scavenger Score!

Summer is a great time for foraging. You may have seen some of the Berry pics so far. @Art.Gaming.Magic posted them earlier in the season.

Yesterday, while driving around Boise we found a peach tree and had to test them out. Here is a lovely pic of one of the riper ones.

Oh, it's is a little tough but the flavor man! I love these little summer peaches. They always seem like they aren't going to be any good but then you smell them and they just ooze this summer scent of ripe peaches. This one was a bit hard, but the inside was bright and just beginning to be juicy. Between the berries and the peaches, I think we might have a chance at super cobbler. In any case, another peach find is great. We will be taking some more pics as we hit up the last of the known spots and bring it back to you all here too!

Find out more about urban foraging below!

peach gif.gif

Do You Forage?

For those that aren't familiar, urban foraging is the act of going out in your neighborhood and finding food that is growing naturally. In a place like Idaho, there is a limited season. Though, there are some gardens from other people (Other People's Gardens OPG) that sometimes will offer for people to pick their broccoli, cabbages and hearty lettuces that grow in the winter. But summer is definitely the best. There are fruit trees galore here in the summer, you just gotta know where to look!

If you're a summer scavenger I would love to hear about your finds as well!

For those local to Boise: Forage Boise used to be pretty active but I am finding the is the most reliable.
I miss California where the foraging was more organized. What I need to get on this week is herbs and medicines for the winter. If I find any, we will be sure to find. Make sure to check out @Art.Gaming.Magic as well. He puts up the ones he finds there first :) I believe about a week and a half ago he posted out berry finds.

YEP! You can see them here:

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