What future for giroud

  • What future for giroud ?

In effect Lacazette signed to arsenal for a record transfer ( 53 millions ),  We imagine that at this price wenger will not put him on the bench.  Already in difficulty the last season the future of Giroud darkens. Yet he recently said he wanted to stay.  At 1 years of the World Cup the choice of Giroud will be decisive for its future .

West Ham and everton seems interested in french international but  he does not want to hear about a transfer this is what he says in "L'équipe"

" J'ai gagné quelques titres dans ma carrière, c'est une chose importante, mais il y a une autre chose qui est importante pour moi, c'est que les gens vous considèrent comme un combattant fidèle, qu'ils voient que vous faîtes toujours de votre mieux pour l'équipe. Et c'est pourquoi je veux continuer avec Arsenal et toujours faire de mon mieux pour cette équipe. J'aimerais gagner un autre titre et si possible aller au bout de mon contrat. C'est ce qui me motive, toujours faire de mon mieux pour rendre ma famille fière"

" I've won a few titles in my career, it's an important thing, but there's one other thing that's important to me is that people see you as a faithful fighter, Always your best for the team. And that's why I want to continue with Arsenal and always do my best for this team. I would like to win another title and if possible go to the end of my contract. That's what motivates me, always do my best to make my family proud"

 The message is clear even if in football everything is possible .

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