Ole's Days Are Numbered.

The great thing about being on holiday is that my daughter takes her nap between 2 and 4. Which means I can get the 2pm match in. It was Man Utd versus West Ham in London. West Ham are on form and Utd had injuries so it was never gonna be the easiest day for Ole at the wheel.
I sat down ten minutes in and Ole was waving instructions to his players but the arm waving was fairly meek. It just looked like he was not in control whatsoever. I missed the first seven minutes of the game but then it went back to the Sky Studio. Who was there only Mourinho and Roy Keane.

Two of Uniteds biggest critics. A former captain and a former manager with big trophy cabinets. Box office and headline makers. The vultures are circling I thought to myself the minute I saw the two boys on the TV. I felt a bit sorry for the Man United boss if I am honest. United approached him when Jose got the bullet last year. He went on an 8 game unbeaten run and the class of 92 and their ilk were calling to make him permanent. Oles at the wheel was the chant .
The surprising thing is that they actually did. That was baffling. Why would Ed Woodward even consider it. All the balls were in his court. Let's see how the season goes and then give him the job if he does well. But no , they gave him the job after the PSG game and after that the season was a disaster. They didn't even qualify for the champions league after throwing away 4th place to Chelsea.
Now United did build preseason bringing in McGuire, Bissaka and Daniel James so losing 2 nil to West Ham is just not an option. The United fans are going to give Ole a chance but they need to be winning now. The United manager looked like a PE teacher on the side lines and he can no longer live up to the name the baby faced assassin. He has clearly aged since taking over. The final whistle blew. The camera went straight to Woodward stoney faced in the directors box. The camera not switch to Keane in the studio. He never had a chance.

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