In response to the NFL taking a knee(Upvotes follows and comments are all appreciated, I love you all!)

We all know what this is about. The NFL, an organization which is tax exempt (huh?) an organization which also gets billions of dollars in subsidies from U.S. tax payers (huh?) Its another attempt from the deep state to try to create schisms in our society. We cannot allow them to separate us.

Sports allows us to get out our tribal aggression towards each other in a more or less peaceful way. Once you get rid of sports you create something that is very dangerous. You create a situation where the people have no outlet to get rid of their tribal territorial aggression. What do you think will happen? That energy has to go somewhere. It cannot continue to accumulate and accumulate, every bubble must pop. The deep state is continuing in their attempts to create another civil war. Will they be successful? Absolutely not. Calmer minds shall prevail. They know this. You know this. Come with me on my journey to restore the world. Their attempts to create mayhem will only backfire. So mote it be. I love you all.

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