BBQ Pangasius Fish

Today we are cooking barbecue Pangasius Fish, we call it Patin Fish, on a Saturday filled with joy that coincides with the birth of the prophet Muhammad PBUH. We are grateful for all the pleasures of life and peace.

Barbecue (also called BBQ) is a term that refers to either a bakery technique or a particular bakery. The most common differences between barbecue and grilling are the length of the baking time and the type of heat used. Baking is usually done in a short period of time using medium to high-intensity direct heat, while barbecues are served for a longer period of time using indirect heat, in this way the food acquires a distinctive aroma and flavor through the process of frying.(
As a fish consumption, fish meat has high calorie and protein content, and the meat taste is delicious. These fish are low in sodium and are suitable for people on a salt diet. In addition, fish meat is easily digested by the intestines and contains excellent calcium, iron and minerals for good health. Nutritional content of fish is 68.6% protein, 5.8% fat, 3.5% ash and 51.3% water. (
How to make BBQ?
Do You like BBQ with fish?
BBQ sauce

The first step is to make the sauce first. Not BBQ food when not wearing BBQ sauce. This sauce is a great complement to the variety of burnt meat. Relax, the way to make this sauce is easy and you can make it yourself.


  • 5 tbsp of barbeque sauce ready

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • ½ Bombay onions

  • 1 tbsp of flour

  • 1 teaspoon of powdered broth

  • 300 ml of water

  • 1 tbsp of margarine

  • Enough sugar and salt

How to make BBQ sauce:

  • Heat a teaspoon, melt one teaspoon of margarine. Saute garlic and onion until wilted and fragrant.

  • Add in the flour, stirring quickly until it is too late. Pour water little by little. After that, put the BBQ sauce in the sauce together for a bit. Cook until the sauce is boiling and tasty.

This sauce is perfect when compared to a variety of grilled foods, such as beef, chicken, seafood (shrimp, squid, fish), and corn. But before grilling these ingredients, it is best to dry them first.

Marinated seasoning

The key ingredients in making marinade seasonings are garlic and chicken broth as an ingredient.


  • 20 grams of garlic

  • 4 grams of chicken broth

  • Pepper, to taste

  • Salt, to taste

  • 75 gr salad oil

  • And grilled meats (beef, chicken, seafood, corn).

How to make:

  • Prepare the ingredients for the grilled ingredients, then mix all the ingredients together and mix well.

  • Sprinkle evenly on the grill and keep in the fridge for about 1 hour until the marinade is absorbed.

Once the grilled ingredients have been cooked, all you have to do is bake them until cooked. Then, place on a plate with the BBQ sauce you just made. (

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