Miss. Delicious: My experience with London's art of food #1—— Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. 伦敦的艺术食物#1.

Dear Steemit friends:

Food is something that all human beings need to survive, and yet, we have all experienced eating food for more than just filling our stomachs. In-fact some food can even be considered an art. I am extremely fortunate to have experienced some delicious and artistic food in London. In the same vein, I've decided to document my experiences with foods that capture more than just the essence of taste. Lets take a look at my first restaurant pick^^

Today, I will introduce you to one of the most reputable and respected restaurants -- Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.

Mr. Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay was born in Scotland but grew up in Warwickshire. He was a footballer until he suffered injuries leading to his retirement from football. From 1998, he began hosting TV-Shows about cooking which became very popular all around Europe as well as America. It is said that Gordon Ramsay commands the highest income of any Chef in the World. He has earned and retained his 3-Star Michelin chef rating for his flagship restaurant 'Gordon Ramsay' since 2001 and also owns other restaurants. Occasionally he dabbles in writing books.


He is known for being very direct as well as having a high temperament. People often refer to him as "The Chef from Hell" which is highlighted in one of his TV Shows called "Hell's Kitchen". In my opinion, he looks more like a football player than a Chef. If it weren't for his injuries, i'm sure he would have become a famous football player^^

What is a Michelin Star.

The Michelin Guide was established in France in 1900. Since its inception, the criteria have been simple yet maddeningly opaque:
★ = ‘Very good cooking in its category’
★★ = ‘Excellent cooking - worth a detour’
★★★ = ‘Exceptional cuisine - worthy of a special journey’ Source.


There are four Michelin 3-Star restaurants in London, one of which is none other than Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. Since earning the 3-Star rating in 2001, they have retained this rating to this day, easily being the longest running Restaurant to retain a 3-Star rating.

My memories of the restaurant

0207 352 4441

You can book online or check the menu on Website.

I remember coming to this restaurant in the late evening, it was really dark outside so I found an image from the internet of the restaurant exterior.

I was expecting a restaurant of this world wide fame to have fancy decoration but it was actually the opposite. The restaurant decoration was actually very simple. Not that simple is a bad thing because the ambiance of the atmosphere was really pleasant.


Upon arrival, we were invited to have a seat in this lobby whilst the waiters prepare the table for us. In the meantime, the restaurant manager came over to have a chat, he was very friendly and we felt very comfortable and relaxed from his welcome.


The restaurant itself is designed by the famous designer, David Collins. It allows for a total of 45 seated guests. The environment in general was very comfortable, and makes you feel right at home.


Quick review of the artistic courses

Because I dined with 3 other people, we ordered quite a variety of different courses. I'll introduce each course and what it each course contains.

Amuse-bouche kicks off the wonderful dinner.

Mise en bouche in egg

In front of me is smoked egg yolk in the eggshell, with a French truffle on top. Perfect complimentary appetizer

Mini Truffle Buns,these were really soft and smelt terrific

The Quail Scotch Eggs

Salmon Sashimi packed with seaweed, with Salmon Roe on top.


We ordered some Ice-wine which is a Canadian Specialty. Served below 8℃, and made using frozen grapes. The bottle is really small so just a few glasses and the whole bottle is finished.


Ravioli of Lobster

lobster, langoustine, salmon, oxalis and wood sorrel
Just like a UFO landing on green grass!

Sauteed Foie Gras and Roasted Veal Sweetbreads

carrots, almonds,Cabernet Sauvignon vinegar
I call it the smiling veal!

Pressed Foie Gras

Smoked duck
Using the sauce to paint on the plate looks like so much fun!

Main courses

Poached Isle of Gigha (Scotland) Halibut

Atlantic King crab, finger lime, ras el hanout infused broth
This is my favourite dish, I love the colourful petals on it, as well as the texture being incredibly soft.

Suckling pig

crispy belly, roasted loin, spiced shoulder sausage

Braised, confit and roasted Herdwick Lamb

Roast Cornish Turbot

This is another one of my favourite dishes, aside from being delicious, it's also beautifully presented. The seasoning and herbs on top remind me of budding sprouts in spring time.


Peanut Brittle

Mango Mousse

This dessert is both Sour and Sweet. Perfect for after eating meat. The straw is actually made of glass, obviously it's very high quality glass so there's no need to worry about it shattering!

Handmade frozen white chocolate covered strawberry ice cream.

This was presented with waves of dry ice but by the time I took the photo the dry ice had already subsided==

Petits Fours

Little tips before you go luxury restaurant

1.Dress Code: :Smart, no sportswear and sneakers. I remember one of my friends came to this restaurant and didn’t get served because he didn’t wear Smart Clothes. I wore a sweater because of the winter cold.


2.Cancellation fee:You need to book online before you go and provide your credit card details on the website. If you want to cancel, please at 3 days before you go. My trip to Gordon Ramsay was actually meant to be cancelled because of another urgent matter I had to attend to. However, I was called up at 10pm and told that I would be charged a few hundred pounds for cancelling the booking. In the end, me and my friends still made it to Gordon Ramsay but we felt really bad that we were so late and that the waiters had to work till 1am. Next time i'll know to cancel 3 days in advance.

3.Allow plenty of time: In restaurants such as Gordon Ramsay, each dish is checked carefully and then introduced to you by the waiters. They will tell you how it's made and what ingredients were used. I recommend allowing 4 hours for the whole dining experience.

4.Bring a good Camera: Most restaurants including Gordon Ramsay tend to use gentle lighting, it can even be considered quite dark. Taking these photos with my phone has mixed results, mostly pictures turning out too dark.


亲爱的Steemit朋友,我相信每个人都有过享受美食艺术的时刻。我很幸运之前在伦敦吃过很多好吃又有美感的餐厅,现在,我决定把这些餐厅整合成一个系列,推荐给大家^^ 今天我想带Steemit的朋友走进一家很有名气和历史的餐厅——Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.

Gordon Ramsay 先生
Gordon Ramsay是苏格兰人, 原本他是足球运动员,因为受伤而退役。1998年开始,他主持了各种电视烹饪节目,一时间风靡欧美。据说Gordon Ramsay本人是全球收入最高的厨师(他被评为为米其林3星厨师)、也是餐厅老板,还是作家。

在伦敦,一共有4家米其林餐厅,Gordon Ramsay就是其中一家,从2001年开始获得米其林三星,一直保持不败的纪录,是英国获星最长时间的餐厅。

记得我和朋友来用餐是一个晚上,光线很暗,所以没能拍下餐厅的样子。所以从网上找了一些图片。我觉得作为这么有名的餐厅,外观的装修好低调。我们进门就在这个休息厅等,等服务生把我们的桌子准备就绪。期间有管理者来和我们亲切的聊天,感觉特别好。餐厅由知名设计师David Collins设计,可容纳45人同时就餐。环境灯光特别温馨,就像走进了自己的家。
美味的点心开始了这顿完美的晚餐烟熏蛋黄:面前的蛋壳里是烟熏蛋黄, 顶部有一片法国松露,味道超好/迷你面包,又软又香/苏格兰鸡蛋/用海藻包着的三文鱼刺身,顶上还有 鱼籽/冰酒:我们点了加拿大冰酒(Icewine),是一种甜葡萄酒。是利用气温在零下8℃以下,在葡萄树上自然结冰的葡萄酿成的葡萄酒。冰酒酒瓶又瘦又小,感觉几口就能喝掉一瓶,真是浓缩的精华。
甜品花生糖/芒果百香果慕斯:酸甜的口味非常适合吃了肉之后解解腻,玻璃做的吸管好有质感/手工冰冻白巧克力草莓夹心冰激凌/他们本来是放在干冰里,我拍得太慢,干冰已经挥发了/ 软糖

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