Cleanse the body with pumpkin


Pumpkin is the perfect autumn fruit suitable for dietetic nutrition with only 25 kcal in 100 years

It can be cooked in a variety of ways: baked, boiled, canned, steamed, puree, soup, omelet, etc. With a little more imagination, you can create wonders of pumpkin and get in return a strengthened immune system and a reduced blood pressure.

But why pumpkin is such a good choice for your autumn-winter diet?

This is due to its rich content of potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, as well as valuable vitamins C, B1, B2, PP.
Besides, the orange fruit fights successfully with free radicals and helps the tan and radiant skin, thanks to the carotenoids in it.

Pumpkin diet is the perfect option for those who want to lose weight by a few pounds and at the same time want to improve their health because the pumpkin is superior to the other autumn fruits with the content of useful substances.

For example, the provitamin A content of the pumpkin is 5 times richer than carrots and 3 times more than its presence in bovine liver. This is the reason why ophthalmologists recommend visually impaired people often eating pumpkin dishes cooked in different ways and drinking pumpkin juice.

But be careful with the consumption of raw pumpkin if you have problems with the pancreas or gastrointestinal tract.
Pumpkin acts favorably on leg swelling due to its diuretic action. It is useful for weight loss, sick kidney, liver, anemia, constipation.


If you sweeten it with a spoonful of honey instead of sugar, you will cleanse your body for only a week! It takes a little bit of movement and abundant consumption of herbal teas and water.

Here is a delicious and nutritious recipe for a dessert with pumpkin:

  • 1,300 kg. peeled and cleaned raw pumpkin
  • 200 g raisins,
  • 150 g walnuts
  • 1 h. fresh milk with 3.6% fat (maybe skimmed)

All products are suffocated until tender and then part of the mix is added in a portion of yogurt, with a little cinnamon at will.


It's not accidental that dieticians consider pumpkin an ideal remedy for overweight. With an appropriate pumpkin diet, you can get rid of 8 pounds in 12 days, and as a bonus, you will cleanse your body, strengthen your immunity, and clear the slags.

The diet lasts for a total of 12 days, which are in 4-day stages, ie the menu is repeated every 4 days.


  • First day: Breakfast - pumpkin salad and pumpkin pulp; Lunch - pumpkin soup; Dinner - Roasted pumpkin.
  • Day 2: Breakfast - pumpkin salad and pumpkin pulp; Lunch - lean vegetable soup and fried pumpkin; Dinner - baked apples in an oven with 3 prunes.
  • Third day: Breakfast - pumpkin salad and pumpkin pulp; Lunch - soup beads; Dinner - pumpkin salad with pineapple.
  • Day 4: Breakfast - pumpkin salad and pumpkin pulp; Lunch - vegetable soup, steamed peppers; Dinner - pumpkin ragout.

And here's how to prepare some of the proposed meals:


  • Pumpkin salad: Cut the raw pumpkin and 2 carrots, mix and pour with lemon juice.

  • Pumpkin: Cut pumpkin cook for 30 minutes. Add a few tablespoons of cereal (wheat, oats, buckwheat) and cook for another 30 minutes. Do not sweeten with sugar.

  • Pumpkin Soup: Cut the pumpkin, carrot, pepper and two potatoes. Boil everything and add chopped tomato and parsley to the end of the preparation.

  • Pumpkin salad with pineapple: Make some white bread crumbs, cut pumpkin, and pineapple, mix them and that's it.


Fast, easy, tasty!

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