My Food Preference

Food goes with whatever you wish it to; it is entirely dependent on your preference
The only general metric, for me, is that foods are often best when balanced in the flavours. It is why things like pizza can be either pineapple blessed or cursed: someone who has a keener interest in sweetness, and tang, will like the addition of Pineapple to the pizza, and they will be balancing the food towards their preference, anyone who does not, will see the Pizza as adding too much sweetness to an already present sweetness, the tomato sauce
So there are subjectives and objectives to it, but I think the typical 'this goes with that', is entirely false
And most importantly, it is just what you like that matters
Do you enjoy the food more when you add wine to it? Guess what you should do, add wine to it
In conventional culinary arts, no, it does not, but, conventional food sucks, so
We know that to be relatively true, anyhow, chicken and honey? Maple syrup? Sweet and sticky stir fries? All of them violate conventional principles and yet no one would say they are bad. Even something like broccoli is extremely tasty, to most, with sweet, sour, and so on, even bitter and salty at the same time, chocolate is generally bettered by salt, go crazy
Worst case scenario, test it, do not like it, simply do not make it again.

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