Processed Goats in Various Regions of Indonesia, Inspiration for Eid al-Adha Cuisine


Eid al-Adha is celebrated every 10 Dzulhijah in the Islamic calendar. In the celebration of Eid al-Adha, it is usually slaughtered sacrificial animals and distributed to those in need. Do not stop there, many other families flock to cook mutton or beef. For a Friend Traveler who is currently confused about processing goat meat, there are some inspirations coming from the archipelago. Anything?

1. Tengkleng, Solo

Solo, Central Java is famous for having many good culinary and pampering stomachs. One of them is made from goat meat is tengkleng. When viewed at a glance, tengkleng will be similar to goat curry. The difference is, the sauce from the tengkleng is slightly thinner than the curry. Tengkleng is usually made from the bones of a goat that has meat that is still attached. The favorite parts include ribs.

2. Sate Buntel, Solo

Processed other goat meat from Solo which can be an inspiration for later processing is sate buntel. Buntel satay has a taste that is so tasty, not one of many people addicted to this one culinary. Goat meat is chopped until smooth then the oval heads are then stabbed and coated or in Javanese are covered with goat oil.

3. Kagape Kambing, Jepara

Kagape goats is a typical Jepara cuisine. Culinary is very easy to find in Jepara especially during Eid al-Adha. At first glance, kagape is similar to curry, but the difference is the use of tamarind water and thick coconut milk. This is a spice-rich dish and has a delicious taste.

4. Sate Kambing, Java

Goat satay is one of the most popular culinary. Because the making is quite easy, then this one processing method is almost always chosen. For the marinade itself can be soy sauce or peanut sauce. The taste of this goat satay is also so spoiled the stomach, it is not wrong if almost always served when Eid al-Adha arrived.

5. Dendeng Batokok, West Sumatra

From West Sumatra there is a culinary named batokok jerky which can be an option. This jerky is made from spiced meat and then beaten (smoked) until the shape is thinned. The process is then dried to dry and then fried. Well, then this meat was given balado seasoning.

The variety of processed goats above can really be used as inspiration, Friend Traveler. Do you have other recommendations that can be copied?