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Pancakes with black and red caviar

Pancakes with black and red caviar

Pancakes with caviar - the most "Russian" of all the possible dishes that are festive, generous, at first glance simple, but actually requires a fair amount of culinary skill. Delicate, slightly sour pancake batter perfectly set off by a salty taste or a delicious red caviar.

You will need:

Chicken egg - 3 PCs
Sugar(sand) - 50 grams
Wheat flour - 250 grams
Butter - 60 g
Salt - ½ tsp
Milk - 500 ml
Vegetable oil - 60 ml
Caviar (red or black) - 200 g

Of course, with caviar you can eat a variety of pancakes and crepes, but I will publish the recipe because these pancakes are obtained thin enough and a nice dough, which is very good to wrap the eggs, feeling not only the taste of pancakes. The filling is, of course, may be different, but then the pancakes will have a completely different taste, and these are perfect for treats foreigners.

Eggs mixed with salt, sugar and half the norm of milk, mix all and add flour. After that, pour the rest of the milk to obtain desired consistency and add to the same oil, so the pancakes are lighter roasted.

Pancakes fry on both sides until Golden brown. The oil pan can not be added, it already exists in the test. Is that to grease the pan before the first pancake.

Ready pancakes fold stack on a plate, lubricating each pancake with melted butter.

For each pancake, put about a tablespoon of red caviar, distribute it evenly over the pancake and turn the pancakes rolls. That's the whole story. :) Bon appetit!

But if a caviar you can simply buy, crumbly, melt in your mouth pancakes you will have to first bake. Flour for pancakes is taken variously as pure wheat, and a special pancake or baking mixes – buckwheat pancake along with. However, earlier Russian women baked pancakes and made from barley, millet or chickpea flour. Incidentally, the word "damn" sounded like "Mlyn", that is, namelennogo of flour. In English pancakes adds ale and malt flour, American pancakes, thick pancakes, which are eaten with ham, or maple syrup, Yes, in fact, not pancakes aren't burning Mexican tortillas? There are fans of the exotic Indian pancakes-poodle, Ethiopian injera, Bulgarian palachinki. And yet that was our hostess, experimenting with toppings and propecai made pancakes with caviar, a world famous and revered symbol of the mysterious Russian soul. Besides, it is believed that Russian pancakes are like no other – they are friable, porous, patterned, kids and Teens absorb like a sponge.
Pancakes – a dish symbolic ritual, not without reason, that they signify favorite Russian holiday, Maslenitsa. Damn Golden and hot as the sun, round, shiny from oil, and therefore very optimistic, he Russian sayings and Proverbs, as one glorifying pancakes. And only a cynic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov women's work in the blinopechenie lightly ridiculed in his famous "Looking for a woman baking pancakes, you might think that it is spirits or extracts of the test the philosopher's stone. Stone is not stone, but it is not clear that he'd baked. Liquid yeast dough is good because it actually cooks quickly, and the products from it has a thin delicate texture. Add to the batter and separately whipped egg whites. Try to cook the pancakes in a mixture of water and milk – the milk makes the dough tastier, but water is more friable. If the pancakes are baked only on water, plump and curvy, they may not be sufficiently plastic and will easily break. Add to the dough beaten egg, sour milk, and, to be sure to provide a great result, say quietly "Month you, month, your gold horns, look out the window, blow the dough". Kneaded the dough, let it covered with a tea towel to rise in a warm place. The pancakes were easily behind the bottom of the pan, not too lazy to bake it with salt and dry thoroughly with a clean dry cloth. The best pancakes are baked in the heated cast iron pancake pans without handles
There is another secret in the ingredients pancake dough – don't forget to add a spoonful or two of vegetable oil for dense and delicate texture, and a few drops of brandy, for lightness and flavor.
Usually filled with delicate crepes and roll them up in a neat little envelope or "cone" is not so easy. However, for pancakes with caviar and it's not necessarily – after all, you are not going for a couple minutes then simmer on low heat as required to deal with stuffed cottage cheese or eggs, and onion pancakes. And pancakes with caviar is best served a La carte, after their after baking a lightly oiled, warm, under the hood. The pancakes smaller than usual diameter, spread on a plate slide, separately served caviar. Decorate the pancakes with eggs, Basil, lettuce. What kind of caviar to prefer? Difficult question, caviar is the subject of culinary luxury, nor price, nor the quality limit which can not be. Choose precious Beluga, or delicious sturgeon, stellate sturgeon quality caviar salmon – trout, chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon. By the way, being much cheaper than black caviar, no less tasty or useful: rich in easily digestible proteins, amino acids, vitamins.
To serve the pancakes with caviar? Here two opinions cannot be: only with vodka. Like other savoury pancakes with herring, salmon or ham. But the sweet crumbly pancakes with sour cream, jam or honey, there is no better drink hot sweet tea.

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