No Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies Recipe and Food Photo Shoot

When I lived with my Dad I could nearly always bet on him having some no bake cookies around.  They were popular in the local bakeries and my Dad had a sweet tooth, which he passed on to me.  I never actually made them until I was an adult and the first time I did was on a potbelly wood stove. I've used this same recipe since.

Melt a half cup of butter on low in a large pan.

Add 2 cups sugar and a half a cup of milk.

3 tablespoons of raw cacao powder and heat until it starts to boil.  Remove from heat and add a half a cup of peanut butter

It should look like this before you add the peanut butter.

Spoon them out onto parchment paper and allow them to set.  I do this in the fridge generally.

These stay good for about a week in sealed containers. I keep it in the fridge because they just fall apart in these temperatures.

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