Enjoying Biryani at her home

I goto the market to purchase a phone for my friend and there we buy the Redmi Note 11 for RS 34000, I was in the market and my sister calls me to visit their home to do some work. I ask my friend to get a ride to the and I was on the bike I go to my sister's home and bring a 1KG of grilled fish for them. We enjoy the fish at night....

On the next day, she cooked this tasty biryani. She also runs a YouTube channel. I take these pictures when her husband makes the cover photos under a light. We enjoy the biryani together. It was so tasty. Then after some time we watch the Pakistan final cricket match with England. Saddly our team loss the match but if was a good copetition. After the match I copme back to home and in the next morning I eat a bioled egg with the daal

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