CARDIO DOESN'T WORK!! This is why you can't lose weight.

I'm a pretty active guy. I worked out 4-5 days a week, sometimes even more. But like most people I'd gain and lose fat...more gained than lost, although I continue to grow muscle mass that evil belly would not go away.

I didn't understand it, if I lifted weights, ran for 45 minutes and watched what I ate, this should be the perfect formula for having the perfect body right??? Wrong!

By lifting weights AND running for 45 minutes I was actually hurting myself. OH! And did I mention I wasn't getting but like 4-6 hours of sleep every night? This was a recipe for disaster.


I'm no doctor, but I know my body and have been working out for over a decade now. And I've seen what works and what doesn't.

Here's what Men's Fitness Magazine says...

"By incorporating intense periods of work with short recovery segments, interval training helps you give maximum intensity while still maintaining your exercise form. The magic of high intensity interval training (or HIIT, for short) is that it keeps your body burning fat even after you leave the gym."

When we over work our bodies, our cells need to spend an extra 35 hours (I've heard doctors say) healing and repairing all the damage we've done to ourselves. So instead of burning fat, your body actually stores it! It needs it to heal after all the damage we did to it. Pretty messed up if you're trying to lose weight huh?

By not sleeping enough, my body could not recover and heal in time for the next work out, so the damage was only getting worse. And I was NOT losing body fat...I WAS ACTUALLY LOSING MUSCLE! And the fat was still there.

So what DOES work? High intensity short interval work outs.

Instead of an hour on the three sets of knee highs. As many as you can...stop and rest for 30-40 seconds (or at your own pace) then do another set, and repeat.

THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Your work outs just got a lot easier, congratulations. Quick work outs work better than longer work outs.

Jogging doesn't me..and walking gets you moving but doesn't really do much as far as losing weight. Even if you eat right.

So instead of running slow for 3 miles, SPRINT really fast! As fast as safely possible and for as long as possible. Then rest, and do it again.

High intensity short interval work outs help you stay young and it TURBO BOOSTS your metabolism, so you'll KEEP burning fat for the next 24-35 hours, and as long as you exercise regularly you should have no problem burning pretty much anything you eat. Although I'd recommend eating a high protein diet.

So there you have wanna lose fat and turn into a fat burning machine?? Forget the long slow work's all about the quick high intensity work outs. Trust me, you'll see a big change. I hope this info helps you guys the way it's helped me. Feel free to read into it for more ideas. Like I said, I'm not a doctor. But I've seen what works and what doesn't .

My name is Jay, and I LOVE FOOD

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