Bright Food for a Gloomy Day


★★ Nawabi_ cock_polao ★★

#Place :Food_and_Music
#Location: Sagarpara (next to Khaled Masud Pilot's house) near Orchid Student House.
#Offer_NameName: Worst Offer😐
#Package: newbie_cock_polao

Price: 129

Rating: 1/1 (personal)

Usage: Almost as good as this

★★ Package includes-
3.Nabbi Rice

  1. Chicken Roast🐓
  2. Fake kebabs
  3. Dim
  4. Hydrangea green chutney
  5. Salad (onions never hope again)
    [Drinks taken differently]

On the other hand, the onion is off. On the 21st, I left.

Buckerbocker Com. Come to the main point.

Nababi_Rice: I thought normal or plane rice. But there is a different flavor.


The fat is in good shape. Okay. I told the chicken roast! I am fascinated by seeing your figure. Roast said, "Naughty. Nobody thinks crazy. I just got hi."

Jali-kabababhalai. As the onion is reduced, it is a bit hard.

Everything else is fine. Did not expect it.

This is the last stop. Buy Tata.

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