A good home-made medicine for Cough and Cold!

Yes, Friends... We call it 'Kashaya' in our regional language. It's a very good home made medicine for Cough and Cold. Both me and my son had severe cold and cough for nearly a week. Then I thought of trying this 'Kashaya', which my mom as well as grandma used to give us in our childhood days whenever we had a cold and cough attacks!!.


This is made by boiling few leaves and other things in water. Just have it hot with a bit of lemon juice!

These plants are easily available in my garden.


For serving two...
1.Indian Borage - 15 to 20 leaves.
2.Basil or Thulsi - 20 leaves.
3.Ginger - 1inch long.
4.Pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon.
5.Crystal sugar - 25 grams. Or even jaggery powder will do.
6.Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.

Clean the leaves and ginger properly, cut into small pieces and boil in a vessel in half litre water. When it starts boiling, lower the flame and keep covered. Let it boil till it reduces to 2/3 times. Now sieve and when it is still hot, add lemon juice and have a cup of hot Kashaya slowly, sip by sip...



This is a very good home made medicine which makes us feel good in case of severe cold and cough. In olden days, we were given these home made medicines only by our parents and grandparents. But children nowadays are not aware of the goodness of these leaves!!.

Hope you liked this post.

With much love and regards, @geetharao...

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