Typical Medan cuisine

Yep! Who is not familiar with culinary Medan. Almost all food in Indonesia is like having an outlet in this third metropolitan city in Indonesia. Whether it's food from the island of Java, Kalimantan, East Indonesia, or neighboring provinces on the island of Sumatra itself. But, for food travelers, it is unlawful if you come to Medan and do not taste 10 culinary Medan mainstay of this city. Anything?

1. Lontong Medan

Only in Medan there Lontong with various mixes. Lontong this is the main menu breakfast most people in Medan city. Lontong is made up of a mixture of rice cake, bean anchovy, tauco, noodles, peanut sauce, vegetable sauce, and do not forget the white red crackers. Some have added eggs and slings. Almost along the way, anyone who visits Medan can taste the typical Medan breakfast every day. The portion of a plate of lontong Medan is about Rp. 5,000 - Rp. 15,000 only.

2. Gomak Noodles

This is the spaghetti of Batak land. This noodle originally came from the Balige area on the shores of Lake Toba. Along with the times, this noodle then transformed into a typical cuisine of Medan people. What makes this unique, raw material from making this noodle is only sold in North Sumatra. Usually called noodles because the shape is like a stick.
Besides eaten just like that, this noodle can also be mixed with lontong or peanut sauce. Nyesss! A portion of gomak noodles are usually sold at Rp. 3,000 - Rp.10.000.


3.Sate Padang Medan

Sate padang Medan? Yess! There are jokes that say, why Sate in the realm of Padang already not good? Because all have moved to Medan! That's right, I've tried satay in Padang and it feels so different from the one in the field. One of the most top seafood sate in Medan is Sate Padang Al Fresh Co and Sate Padang Jo Andah. Everywhere you can find this satay in the corners of Medan! Price seportinya about Rp. 16.000 - Rp. 20,000.

4. Mie Aceh Medan

Same as Sate Padang, it seems like the triumph of noodles in Aceh has also been transmigrated to Medan and become Mie Aceh typical of Medan. This food becomes a food that exists every night until early morning in the city of Medan. One of the most recommended Mie Aceh outlet is Mie Aceh Titi Bobrok. Price is still affordable around Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 20,000.

5. Bake Pork Karo

Batak Karo is an ethnic Batak who inhabit Karo Highlands or Tanah Karo, North Sumatra. The majority of Karo Bataks occupy the area from Medan to Berastagi. So do not be surprised if in the street Djamin Ginting Medan to Berastagi we will find a lot of shops that sell Karo Pork Karo is typical of the Karo ethnic. Pork Karo Pessang Tesalonika is one of Pork Karo Pig that has many branches in the city of Medan and Berastagi. For non-kosher food enthusiasts, please come and taste the different sensations of Babi Panggang in the most famous of the Thessalonica Stores.

6. Ice Tip-Top Cream

Top Tip Restaurant is also a must visit for everyone who visit Medan. This restaurant has been present since 1934 and is believed to still use recipes passed down from generation to generation. In addition, the atmosphere of the old and well maintained restaurant also looks so stepped in. Sample the 'Dutch-era' ice cream offered at this restaurant. Incidentally, the famous restaurant located in Kesawan Square is an ice cream and cake tart. The taste of ice is quite special, the look and scent reminds us of the atmosphere of the 30s in the city of Medan.

7. Stewed mussels

Culinary night in Medan is full of various choices. One of them is a typical Tanjung Balai boiled shell. There are many night stalls in Medan that provide this food. What distinguishes one stall with another stall is the sauce. This pineapple sauce with a special blend of pineapple that makes this stew booth is popular. A serving of boiled shell about Rp. 15,000

8. Durian Medan

Durian Medan is famous for its quality and taste is amazingly delicious. Guaranteed sweet taste with a bitter and not dominant sensation is a hallmark of meat Durian Medan. Small skins and thick flesh also characterize the fruit of this City. Every night you will be served by a Durian seller in Medan City. The Durian Ucok outlet is one of the most missed. To Medan did not taste the durian, sorry!

  • * So, do not confess to ever to Medan if you have not tasted culinary diMedan*
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