Cooked Shrimp Curry

Shrimp become one of the seafood is very delicious and has a high nutritional content. In addition, the process of cooking shrimp also does not require a long time so it is very practical and save your cooking time.

On this occasion I will present a special shrimp processed recipe that is Shrimp Curry Recipe. This recipe uses the main ingredient of shrimp that you can customize with the desire or supply. Not only shrimp, herbs and spices are also used to make the taste of this cuisine more delicious.


  • 500 gr Large shrimp.
  • 5 Cloves of red onion
  • 2 Cloves of garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Red chili
  • Coriander
  • Sunti Acid
  • Coconut milk
  • One teaspoon of salt.

How to Cook ;

Clean Shrimp until clean (I do not remove the shrimp skin). Spread the shrimp with lime juice. Let stand 10 minutes.
Heat cooking oil, sauteed bay leaves, lemon leaves, lemongrass, galangal and spices until fragrant. Enter shrimp, cook until the shrimp change color. Add coconut milk, stir well. Cook until the seasoning is cooked, seep and thick.


Shrimp do not boil for too long because the shrimp will become hard and not good.

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