Kue Putu Ayu Ketan Hitam


Material :

125 gr glutinous flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1.5 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
80 grams of sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
100 grams of grated coconut (steamed with pandan leaves and a little salt for about 10 minutes)
120 ml of coconut milk, boiled with pandan leaves
2 btr eggs

How to make Kue Putu Ayu Ketan Hitam:

The first step, prepare the steamer, then wrap the lid with a clean napkin. After that prepare the mold that has been smeared with oil, and then input the coconut while compacted and set aside.
The second step, mix the sticky rice with vanilla powder and salt, then set aside. Then beat the sugar and eggs with a high speed mixer until visible thick streak. After that add coconut milk and milk while you hose interspersed with a mixture of black sticky rice.
Next, Pour the batter into a mold that has been almost full coconut. Then steam for about 15 to 20 minutes, then remove it, then remove it from the mold and the black cake sticky rice is ready to serve.

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