Day 5: Fog in the desert and I scratched my car 🤦🏻‍♀️

We left the house at 7:30 this morning taking my son to nursery. As we pulled out of the covered parking we were met by thick fog. I had quite forgotten how thick the fog could be. I thought for a while and remembered back to the first country I landed into in the Middle East, Qatar. Sometimes the fog would be so thick that flights would be grounded, diverted or kept holding on the sky until it cleared.

After being on a plane for any length of time, circling above the airport always felt a little disconcerting.

Driving our car for the second time today, husband in the back of the car feeding our daughter. All went well for the drop off, I then dropped hubby off to his meeting and drove home. My husband had suggested driving into the car park with me so I could practice and I stupidly said no I'll be fine.


Needless to say I was anything but, second day driving, 10 week old baby screaming for milk, nappy or winding. Must tune out baby whilst driving.

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