Fluz Fluz is Going to Rock the Crypto World.

Fluz is Coming to the USA!

You guys know I like the projects that have legs. Especially ones that no one is talking about. Fluz is going to be that project that sneaks up on everyone. People ask me how I find these types of projects. The thing is I like projects that have real world use cases and Fluz is doing exactly that.

Fluz is going to rock the crypto and retail world.

Last week they announced the tokens will allow us to reserve our seats and then they return all of them to us over the next twelve months. When I bought the ICO I bought it because I believed in Maurice Harary. Now Maurice and Stefan are delivering an app that everyone, not just crypto users, can benefit from.

Instead of one token fits all they have two with distinct uses.

The Fluz tokens will be able to be used to give your team double cashback on purchases. Built on Ethereum this token will be like we are used to, as utility increases, the desire to own tokens increases which can positively effect the value.

FluzCoin will be the token you are paid in. You will be able to attach your bank account to the app. Built on Quorum this token will have zero transaction fees and limited volatility.

The Double Cashback Feature is Super Exciting!

As an influencer and as someone who holds many Fluz tokens I will be able to help my team grow faster as well as earn more in rewards.

Now Fluzzers have a powerful tool that will encourage others in your network to make purchases, placing more cash rewards in your pocket as a result. It’s as simple as sending a token to individual Fluzzers or your entire network.

Sending tokens to others in your network is also a great to way welcome new Fluzzers or reactivate inactive ones. This will encourage increased adoption and stickiness, ensuring you earn more over time from new joiners.

Send the Tokens.

Team Member Gets Double Cashback.

You Ask Me to Keep You Up to Date With Great Projects.

I am constantly asked what will be the next hot project. Fluz has the makings of a killer app. This can really change how the world approaches retail. Once again I believe the early adopters of apps like Fluz will be the ones that amass fortunes and @AnaHilarski and I plan to build a huge Fluz team and highly reward those who join our team.

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