Wildflower Arrangement Nr. 28 - Out Of The Blues (Cichorium intybus)


Today, after visiting my doctor for an annual physical check-up, I passed by an area where we used to walk Lily. Its sidewalk had been asphalted and a biker´s route had been added. The open path or the entrance to the path had been closed now with bars so that only the farmer´s tractor could pass by this way going to the wheat field.

I stopped the car and parked it in front of the bars to pick the long stemmed blue flowers called chicory (Cichorium intybus) when a biker stopped and asked me whether I´d be parking for a while. I said no, I just want pick the flowers and I would go... Said he, I should not make it too long because someone from neighbourhood might report me to the police for illegal parking. I only cut a few of the flowers for I was in a hurry because the rain could pour anytime. When I went back to the car, I was searching for any road sign that says "No Parking", but didn´t see one. At any rate, I was only able to cut a few and arranged them in this blog.




In this arrangement, I added the Blueweed or Bugloss flowers from Arrangement Nr. 27 since the long stem-flower chicory were not that much. I thought the two flower varieties compliment each other. And then, I added the pale pink geraniums from a stem that broke under the heavy rain last night. I think it added a twist to the whole arrangement ..don´t you agree? The pale pink geranium might not look like pink at all but in german that shade is called alt rosa.


We are experiencing bad weather in Europe at the moment...
...so keep safe everyone !!!


Special thanks to@gremayo for making both GIFs

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