Flowers That Have Many Colors (bilingual)

imagephoto taken by @lidsay
Kicek flower is a kind of flower of bush plants. This very beautiful kicek flower is a kind of wildflowers that flourish in the intermediate forest and shrub bush. Although these flowers are rarely cultivated but these flowers still attract the attention of mothers to be used as plants or decorative flowers.
Kicek flowers usually have many color variations ranging from white, red, purple and pink.
Perhaps because of the many color variations so that this flower into the type of flowers that are still planted for ornamental flowers.
Well that's a bit of my exposure about this colorful kicek flower, may be useful.

Bunga kicek merupakan jenis bunga tanaman semak. Bunga kicek yang sangat cantik ini merupakan jenis bunga liar yang tumbuh subur di perantara hutan dan semak semak belukar. Walaupun bunga ini jarang dibudidayakan tapi bunga ini tetap menarik perhatian kaum ibu ibu untuk dijadikan tanaman atau bunga hias.!
Bunga kicek biasanya mempunyai banyak variasi warna mulai dari putih,merah,ungu dan merah muda.
Mungkin karena banyaknya variasi warna sehingga bunga ini masuk kedalam jenis bunga yang masih ditanami untuk bunga hias.
Nah itulah sedikit paparan saya tentang bunga kicek yang warna warni ini, semoga bermanfaat.

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