Beautiful flowers that should be near your house.

Zinnia is a genus of annual and perennial grasses and semi-shrubs of the family asteroids (Asteraceae).

The plant comes from Central and Southwest North America, several species grow in South America. Nowadays it is cultivated everywhere. Zinnia blossom abundantly on sheltered from winds, sunny, warm areas with drained, neutral, rich humus and mineral elements soil. Drought-resistant, but with prolonged drought requires watering, otherwise the inflorescences fade and lose decorativeness. Non-frostproof, damaged even by minor frosts. In the areas with a cool and rainy summer they grow and bloom worse. Propagated by seeds.

These are beautiful flowers that should be next to your house.

Value and application

Zinnia is very widely used for flower decoration as ornamental plants. Some species were cultivated by the Aztecs. In ornamental horticulture, numerous forms and varieties are used, derived from two types of zinnia, elegant (Zinnia elegans), zinnia angustifolia (Zinnia angustifolia).

Zinnia is very decorative in planting massifs and groups on lawns, brochures, flower beds, in cutting. Dwarf varieties are good in garden vases and containers.

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