The Anthurium: To Have or Not Have?

The Anthurium, a family member of the Araceae, is one of the well-known flowers in the tropics. Other names for Anthurium are - Painted Tongue, Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower among others. Anthuriums thrive in soil of sandy loom as well as in heavy clays. They grow in full shade, partial shade, or full sunlight. Particularly, they thrive best at temperatures of 78-90°F during daytime and 70-75°F at nightime. Temperatures above 90°F cause color fading and reduction of flower life.

(a white Vietnamese Anthurium in our backyard)

Anthurium flowers are beautiful and attractive. They come in different colors and shades. They have a long vase life of about six weeks. This makes them one of the favorite ornaments by florists. In the Philippines, bouquets of anthurium are are often seen in weddings and other parties.

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Aside from anthurium's importance as an ornament, some studies show that it has the capacity to remove toxic agents such as formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene among others from the air. This property has somehow attracted the interest of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) putting anthurium in the long list of promising plants that may clean air in space stations.

There is, however, one drawback for anthurium as an indoor ornament and/or air filter. Studies show that "all parts of the anthurium plant are poisonous". The plant contains calcium oxalate, a toxic substance. A fair amount of this poison is found in the plant's sap and some traces in its leaves and stems.

Calcium oxalate ingestion causes "numbness and burning sensation of the tongue, mouth and lips, swelling of tongue or lips, . . . irritation of the skin and eyes". It also causes nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Anthurium has been a source of delight to the eyes. It has proven itself to be a flower of elegance and delicate beauty. Its usefullness has surpassed its disadvantage. Have or not have? The choice is yours.

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