Plant flowers, grow fruit

India is a religious country. Flowers and fruits have had immense significance in the life-style here. It is not only a symbol of the emotional beauty of life but it also has its main place in terms of mental and physical health. The fruit-flower culture in Rig Vedas is described in many places. The rishis' ashrams were called nicosja covered with flowers and fruits. They had wonderful love for them as the unique creation of God. He was considered best in objects dedicated to God.


The cultural features of Mohanjodaro and Harappa are the main places of flowers and fruits. The statue of Mathura, Kushan and Bharhut is a reference to many types of flowers, trees and vineyards. Buddhist monasteries were established in the gardens. In ancient times Mali etc. was considered to be the main occupation of the castes. Horticulture has also been a major factor in the reign of Rajputs and Mughals.

The deep love for flowers is displayed in every religion and culture of the world. In today's era, flowers also have the same importance in providing mental peace and health to humans. Virtue of planting a garden in Hindu religion is considered equal to the fruit of hundred yagyaas. Regardless of the spiritual ornament in this statement, but considering the reactions of flower and fruit plants in human beings, the statement can not be exaggerated.

Gardening is a great way of earning a living. It can also be adopted as an auxiliary business or a key hindu. Earned income from regular horticulture increases more than good farming. There are many such examples which make this point fully proven. With the sale of 'Cut Flowers' alone in Bangalore City, earning one crore rupees per year. India exports mango and other fruits every year and produces foreign exchange of crores of rupees. This amount of foreign money reaches indirectly to the producers. Agricultural experts estimate that annual savings of one thousand to 2 thousand rupees can be saved from an orange gardener with savings of 4 thousand per year and guava papaye etc. This income is much higher than other yields.


This importance has indeed been adopted by us from foreign countries and its abundant benefits, whereas in our country, there is a continuous decline of horticulture. Forests and trees are being wiped out rapidly, resulting in the absence of flowers and fruits.

The natural climate of trees also has a deep connection. The carbon dioxide produced by humans and animals in the tree environment is self-expelling and releasing the healthful life-cycle for them. Neem is one of the trees in India, which releases oxygen at night, and provides oxygen to the nigh in the night, like the day. The fragrances and drunkenness of Champa, Acidity, Kanchanar, Genda, Gulmahar, Sonukki, Gulab, Mongare etc. in flowers keep filling a new enchantment, freshness and new life in humans. There is enthusiasm in the lives of sad people even after reaching among the flowers. The spiritual significance of flowers and fruits is so much that can not even be described.

Forests are given paramount importance in forests. Where there is a concentration of nature, the rain is also regular, in contrast to the deserted country where there is lack of trees and there is irregular rainfall, which neither benefits the crops nor is there any other means of irrigation for a year Enough water can be arranged.

Vegetables, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate, fat and minerals are important sources of minerals. The more used them for balanced diet and good health, the better it is. In keeping the stomach clean, vegetables and fruits keep a unique place. The more useful it is to overcome the current food crisis, the better it is to use as much as possible. As the production of vegetables and fruits increases, the pressure and consumption of food grains will be less, consequently the wheat exported from abroad will stop and the national income will be saved, which will save money for development events.


In one or more bigha land, the pit should be dug at a distance of 10 yards. This work should be done on rainy days. In view of the initial safety and needs of the plants and in terms of more work in less labor, this season is very suitable for gardening. In these areas, fertilization should be done by making the soil suitable for planting several times in soil.

All around the field should be surrounded by soil or prickly shrubs like Hawthorne etc. and in the first line should be dug around and papaya plants should be planted, then in the middle areas, the mangroves, lemon, nostrils, seasonal, guava and mango seedlings Should be felt. In the rainy days, this plant catches the root, after which only irrigation gaudry and general protection are needed, it can be easily done by the children and women in leisure time. If this hobby is created in children, they take great interest.

Tulsi and various flowering plants should be planted in empty spaces in the middle, thereby creating charity in the atmosphere there. Flowers have abundant power to promote health and mental happiness, so this work can not be annoyed too.

This thing is for those who have adequate land but who do not have more land or live in cities, they should use waste land lying around the house, places around the well and gumls. Flowers can be planted around the house. In the rainy days where the water of rain water is dripping from the roofs, the small stones should be dug near the Araites and vegetables should be made of gourds, tomato, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato etc. and their vines are filled with bamboo sticks or wall on the roof. Should be given. There, they also carry their entire dispersion, there is sunlight, and vegetables can also be safe. Thus, the production of a lot of vegetables can be removed by the lack of subsidy or food.


The cost of spending in domestic gardens is also not available. Irrigation is also not laborious and the surrounding waste works as a fertilizer. If there are two fruits left for each crop in the crop, then there is no problem in it. Coriander, fenugreek, arui, cauliflower, brinjal tomato, etc. each person can grow around the house with ease. Entertainment, health, beauty of the environment, pure air etc. Benefits in this way benefit from all the perspectives.

Even in cities where there is a shortage of space, beautiful flowers can also be grown in Gumbles. Some light vegetables and basil plants can also be grown in the form of air-inhibitor for avoiding air purification, strong sunlight, sunlight and coolness.

Horticulture is very beneficial for all, with spiritual, religious, economic and ethical views. People can adopt it as a hobby, auxiliary business or a key business as well as it is good for individual, society and nation.

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