The FBI and CNN love Breaking News together! School Shooting Witness involved with CNN prior to shooting and Comey's assistant Josh Campbell also prepped to take a role at CNN!

David Hogg, who has been heard speaking against President Trump has been found to have ties with CNN. He was on a CNN station in Atlanta, Georgia. Isn't it odd that MSM and leftists are blaming Tump for a student who was known to be at risk, had been reported for animal abuse, and never should have passed gun control laws? Did they blame Clinton when Columbine happened? Did they blame Obama when Sandy Hook happened? Interesting!

Not being stated on CNN and MSM's clear gun control agenda stories, is the fact the FBI was told not once, but twice Cruz spoke of wanting to shoot up a school. As David Hogg's claimed this was an issue, why didn't he inform his former FBI agent father, so he could inform the proper authorities of the FBI? Why was the ball constantly dropped by those in a position of authority who should have been helping this at risk teen? This teen came from a known troubled past, incidents with harming animals yet he was allowed to enter the school unchecked? All of these shootings occur in no gun zones where now due to leftist legislation people including skilled students can no longer legally protect themselves as they did in the days prior to open gun zones for terrorists. Now these leftist Trump haters are blaming our president for a cyclical issue in which Cruz's guardians should not have allowed him to have a gun with his troubled history which is verified! This appears to be a ready made event which allows Soros paid activist groups to start up their chant in removing weapons from the innocent. What happened to your gun control laws you already have? Why didn't those work in Texas and in this case? Is it negligence on the FBI checks and controls or purposeful turning of a blind eye? The DNC let it be know they wanted a dumbed down society. I say don't let them get away with this blatant orchestrating!

The clear prepping and priming of someone with ties to the FBI is reminiscent of the Josh Campbell collusion and relationship with the news media. I addressed this in a prior article and discuss parts of this below. The priming of David Hogg comes with the realization he did a bit Prior to the shooting where he was featured and very outspoken as a witness to the shooting. Here is a photo of him at a CNN desk.
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It is said he had goals to be a young Jake Tapper, here is a photo of him sporting his CNN t-shirt at school!

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It is also interesting to note David Hogg had a chance to hone his skills about 6 months ago while in Los Angeles. Here is a synopsis from of what happened which was initially put on Hogg's youtube channel, went viral and was featured on a news segment. Hogg's friend put a boogie board on a trash can at the beach. A lifeguard asked him to remove it. Hogg's friend removed it, but had a smart aleck comeback stating he didn't know it was a crime to put your board on a trash can. The lifeguard approached, was angry. Hogg took the opportunity to record the incident and upload it to his youtube channel. The video went viral and Hogg talked to CBS Los Angeles about the incident.

It is interesting how many times CNN has had interactions with David Hogg.

Also fascinating is the fact this school district sent out a Soros style tweet letting students no they would be excused from engaging in this protest/riot!
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As stated on True Pundit David Hogg is a school shooting survivor in Florida. At least that is what the mainstream media has told us. We wouldn’t be surprised by anything involving the FBI at this point.

"From Deep State CBS News:

“David Hogg was in school when the Parkland, Florida, shooting started. His father is a retired FBI agent, so he recognized immediately that this was a gun. Here’s what he did:”

And while the media allowed Hogg to adorn us with his worldly teen views on the Constitution, they conveniently left out the part where the FBI was warned that the Florida school shooter had promised to shoot up a school — at least twice — long before the massacre that killed 17 students last week."

Researchers are connecting David Hogg's the new poster boy for CNN as son of former FBI agent Kevin Hobbs. It is interesting to note he was in charge of an event titled The General Aviation role of the FBI Aviation Specialists at LAX
held at Big Bear City Airport--Pilots Lounge
501 West Valley Blvd
Pilots Lounge
Here is a synopsis of this agent along with a partner speaking at the event, "gent Hogg is an ex-Navy pilot where he flew H3 Sea King Helicopters for 8 years. He has been with the FBI for 13 years and assigned at LAX for 11 years. David Gates has been assigned to LAX for the past 14 year, 6 years with US Customs and 8 years with the FBI. David describes their job as Aviation Specialists.
Apparently there had been big holes seen in aviation security as CBS ran a story

Of course it would be negligent not to point out, this happened after another event in which Bush and Cheney had to individuals involved in 9/11 thus giving Bush justification to tighten down security on US citizens and perpetuate an atmosphere of Fear along with chants for gun control!

CNN and other MSM news groups willingness to stoop to Any Level is apparent in their recent paving the way for FBI former assistant to Comey (who was fired officially for not being able to effectively lead, showed lack of skill and values with how he dealt with the corruption of the Clinton Email crimes) Josh Campbell. As stated in one of my previous articles, Josh Campbell and translation of his job he and some at the FBI helped pave the way for his "Big Break!" I could not speak out before as I can now with my ready made role as a Talking Head at CNN. Really? You were speaking out quite a bit in USA Today, NYT and of course CNN.
He was in a media relations role in a Los Angeles field office which has former FBI agents questioning what he can contribute in the way of knowledge concerning actual law enforcement analysts as that was Not his experience. According to another veteran, he lacked field knowledge to represent the FBI. He himself made it clear his position would be to “defend the bureau.” CNN seems to be titling him the “law-enforcement analyst.” I wager most thinking people will always see him as the guy who wasn't a true field agent, but was a great connection to corporate owned media. Makes for a great leaker and mouthpiece! Along the same lines, not sure why Campbell bothered to scrub his bio from all the photos of him and his photos with buddy James Comey because he has already defended him and made it clear that he is stepping down to defend the FBI." Here is a link to the official info on the event and registration

In conclusion, this is the second time in just a two month time span CNN has demonstrated close ties with the FBI. Here is a photo of FBI agent with media ties who has taken a position with CNN. Can the agenda and real collusion get any clearer than this?
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Here is a link to that article with more photos and sources

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