Scot Peterson the Coward of Broward County

ex-Broward County Sheriff's Office Deputy Scot Peterson is a coward. Trained to protect and served but failed to inact what he collects a paycheck every month to do. It was reported that he remained outside of Florida highschool for an estimated 4 minutes, failing to enter and address the shooter, failing to even fire his weapon that day in any attempt to help those students he was sworn to protect. The shooting was estimated to last 6 minutes as the shooter massacred 17 students. That is a estimated 21 seconds a student. The 4 minutes the officer remained outside, by my calculations, he could of saved 11 possibly another on top of that in that time frame. That sheriff and possibly others failed those Florida families that day of the shooting. I believe him resigning is not enough but should be attacked with the full extent of the law for failing to perform what he was sworn to do.


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