Youtube censorship sucks. truther channels are going to be forced to greener pastures.

Hence I am back. I need to express. And being a biblical cosmologist (I can't stand the term flat earther)

-I feel like I can't be content like everyone around me with just "water cooler conversations". 

granted, sometimes escapism kicks ass. But it is all a distraction. All I know is, I haven't been using this platform as much as I should. I always feel better when I express. daily. Ultra communication makes life better. But I can't just tell everyone I meet or run into "everything you have been told your whole life is a lie"! where would that get me? So I turn to the intraweb. 

the earth is flat and the elites are gender inverted. There. I expressed for today. 

- I'm making a commitment to blog everyday. Somedays shall be better than others. But for anyone who is interested. This is the last video I made on my Youtube channel. And why I haven't been blogging.

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