RE: RE: Flat Earth - Jesse Kozlowski Lake Pontchartrain Soundly Marriot photo - responding to a comment on my last video.
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RE: Flat Earth - Jesse Kozlowski Lake Pontchartrain Soundly Marriot photo - responding to a comment on my last video.

RE: Flat Earth - Jesse Kozlowski Lake Pontchartrain Soundly Marriot photo - responding to a comment on my last video.

Thanks for the comment. I provided a shot at 7.1 meters showing basically what you saw at 6.9 meters in the original video. While it is close to Jesse's image as far as the amount of buildings we see, the eye line is much higher and again the entire building falls below the line. Because Jesse's position couldn't have been out by more than a couple of feet, we know refraction must be at play. And since the "horizon" seems to be in the right place in the image, we have to assume that refraction is only capable of raising objects far behind the horizon while not raising the water and horizon line.

I intend to feature some images that show far less apparent curvature but the measurements have to be fairly precise in order to be accepted by either side, otherwise if becomes an endless back and forth about viewer height. But one example I can think of off the top of my head is YouTuber "Wide Awake" and his bird rack observations. The fact that we can see water rising up far beyond a distant mile marker (not going to quote numbers here) is proof in itself that the horizon is not 3 miles away for a 6 foot observer. I may do a short video on this soon in which case I will provide all the correct numbers, although Taboo Conspiracy has already done this to some degree.

The reason I choose this image is because so far the strongest examples of "curvature" have been in Soundly and Jesse's lake Pontchartrain videos. This particular image was one of the only few that actually used a level transit or telescope providing the suggested level eye line to work with. It's also one of the few examples that has well documented and verifiable measurements. Again, the point of this video was only to show that even the strongest examples of curvature MUST rely on refraction to be considered possible on a globe of the size we are told.

I intend to dissect multiple images from curvature tests as I am sure there are many that show refraction far greater than 7/6R would be required to make them possible. I have yet to see a diagram or animation explaining the path of refracted vs non refracted light on a globe and how light can navigate a curve or hump while only being bent "down". I can also generate the same effect as Jesse's photo on a flat plane nearly perfectly using only 1 layer of atmosphere with a refractive index very slightly less than normal air.

Anyway I'll be doing a full video on refraction soon. If I find any examples that meet or exceed the mathematically prescribed curvature without refraction, I will let you know.

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