It's odd that now in 2018 people are flocking to the "Flat Earth". This is now due to the fact that we never landed on the moon. Okay, but they also say since we can't get past the Van Allen belts due to the radiation that everything NASA does is a coverup, even to the point that the International Space Station is not up there, hmm.

Let's talk about the Space Station then! The Van Allen belts are: "The inner belt stretches from 400 to 6,000 miles above Earth's surface and the outer belt stretches from 8,400 to 36,000 miles above Earth's surface." The Space Station orbits 254 mi above the earth. No radiation since it's nowhere near the Van Allen belts. But that's irrelevant!!! They say there is no curvature of the earth even with the pictures from the Space Station, but how about a high altitude balloon. Can you see the curvature? This balloon was sent up by Forestview Middle School in Minnesota.

According to the flat-earthers, we are surrounded by a 30,40 for 50' wall of ice down by the Antarctic (actually they have no idea how big this wall is). And some say that the sun is only 6 mi over heard - as well as the moon is hotter than the sun?? That being said, not sure how anything grows if it's the moon that is the warmth for the plants. With the sun being only 6 mi above us, does that mean the Space Station would be flying above it and perhaps they can take a picutre. Oops, that's right it's not up there.

This wall of ice that no-one has seen but according to the flat-earthers, they use Captain Cook as proof that there is a wall of ice, since he could never get to the wall!!! Oh well, but let's come into the modern age. I know people that have flown down to the Antarctic, if a plane travels at say 30,000 feet, don't you think a pilot might have seen this wall of ice? Now don't forget there is a dome over earth, so it would have to sit on the wall of ice. Shouldn't there be some sort of photographic evidence with ALL this technology we have to prove this?

Alas, though, no matter the proof, some have drunk the flat earth kool-aid and even try to use Scripture to prove it. Using Isaiah 40:22 they use the part "The One who sits above the CIRCLE OF THE EARTH" as proof that the creator made Earth the only floating mass of land among all the other planets. Though I can get a telescope and see the moon is round along with other round planets, we are to believe that earth is the only planet that is NOT round but just a flat mass that is surrounded by an ice wall with a dome protecting us?? I wonder, are we really in space??

About that dome, how is it these meteors and meteorites keep getting in?? They just confirmed one exploded in Michigan. We know that this dome doesn't go about the Van Allen belts, so unless these objects that keep falling to earth come from the earth, then this protective dome does nothing at all. I wonder, if the sun is only 6 mi above us, perhaps that is how high this dome goes!!! You know to keep the sun in!!!

I've done a study answering a lot of the stuff which if you have a mind and are interested can download it at -- goes into a lot more detail. But suffice it to say, this is another CIA PSYOP.

Conspiracy theorist Eric Dubay launched the International Flat Earth Research Society (IFERS) claiming all others were "controlled opposition". Dubay stands out for a documentary claiming Adolf was a peaceful, honourable individual unfairly tarnished by the Zionist media.

Of course there is a blog here on Steemit who knows that Eric is nothing more than a CIA operative who along with his other talents he specializes in spirituality and religion as well as Kabbala. Interesting his take on Hitler being unfairly tarnished by the Zionist media when he's in to Kabbala.

Ah well, no convincing those that would believe this stuff and yet they think they won't be fooled by Project Blue Beam. I guess those holograms in the sky will be bouncing off the dome of the earth!

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