Summer Days

You see a boy running through the tall corn field, anxiously looking behind him, his breath coming in laboured gasps as he peers around. He wears short denim trousers of an indigo hue, and a red stripe t-shirt now soaking from the sweat. His arms covered in soil and smear marks from pushing the maize out of his way.

The corn towers over his head in the late summer sun, blocking the light to his path ahead. He hurries on pausing occasionally to heave another lung full of air before continuing on. A pained look of terror can be seen in his eyes as they dart from side to side searching for something you cannot see.

He reaches the end of the field and dashes behind a large granite boulder. Wheezing he gulps down the clean refreshing air. The gentle wind causing the sweat to dry on his skin he peeps out from behind the rock looking back through the ripened corn field from where he has just come.

He sees his pursuers a group of children the same age laughing and giggling as they give chase.


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