Failure Can Lead to Success

I fail all the time. Every day. Failure is what I learn most from. If I only would succeed/win I would never be truly challenged and thus not capable of proving myself under stress. All it would lead to would be an egogalaxy the constant validation of what I did right.

Steemian @inalittlewhile tackles the same topic from a personal experience angle in their We learn more from our failures than from success post

One of the best stories I have about leveraging a weak spot follows a rather rough patch in my own life. I had been out of work for some time back when I was putting down the bottle, so to speak. The career path I was treading down came to an abrupt end when the company I worked for told me they no longer needed my employment services.


While @inalittlewhile doesn’t go too deep in the learning more than from success element, they also highlight why it is Ok to share about the experience gone through and why trying to turn them into success matters.

If you think a leader admires success, a true leader holds success after failure in even higher regard. It demonstrates the ability to keep on trying. To not so easily give up when the chips are down.

Head over to @inalittlewhile’s excellent We learn more from our failures than from success post and don’t forget to chime in in the comments.


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