Adopt A Minnow

In recent weeks the #adoptaminnow community support initially started by @whatsup has stated to gather traction and more and Steemians have started to adopt minnows.

Image, created by whatsup's first minnow @brandyb, shamelessly stolen borrowed from the still logoless [sic] project

Minnow support, and especially user retention, is a critical pillar of the Steem ecosystem, especially now we have entered the year 2018 and it won't be too long anymore before the Usual Suspects may discover Steem and aim their guns, and following, at the Steem community bringing a whole load of new members, but more than that high quality content to the Steem blockchain.

Lovely, I hear you say. Yes, it is. For the largest stake holders. For minnows who are still minnow then - and not prepared for what could happen - the fight to become noticed will be ever harder and bigger a struggle.

As such community projects, or movements, like #adoptaminnow are vital to improve the retention on Steem, retention of less experienced, less professional bloggers on here.

@whatsup, whom everybody should follow for regular critical thinking content, is now looking for a new minnow. What does her support involve?

  • If you are adopted, I will live for your success or failure.
  • I will over-estimate your successes and become over-involved in your failures
  • I will brag about you. I will post about how fabulous you are.
  • I will nag you and give you unsolicited advice
  • I will upvote you just to keep you happy, I will demand that others acknowledge your talents and shame them for upvoting others over you.
  • I will quickly tire of you when you become self sufficient and can no longer meet my need to be needed

While many some may now think that this isn't much because there isn't any SP delegation involved, as they may have noticed others do when they announced the adoption of a minnow, hold your breathe for a second and think about this:

  • @whatsup is one of the first ones to have started the minnow adoption concept (first one?)
  • She is rep 69 and joined Steem in August 2016. Surely she's done something right to survive that long and build her reputation to belong to the top Steemians by reputation
  • She has almost 3,000 followers and while I haven't followed her that long (*), go check her feed and read her blog. Yes, she knows what she's talking about.

But don't take my word for it, just head over to @whatsup and enjoy the great and thought provoking content.

Additionally, the #adoptaminnow project/movement now has a new home: @adoptaminnow.

Th new account, and its function is introduced by a marvellously titled post: This Account Hasn't Started Blogging Yet. Which obviously is a reference to Steem accounts which haven't posted an initial (blog) post yet.

Adopt a minnow is a project for experienced Steemians to Mentor, Sponsor or just give a little assistance to minnows. The idea is to educate, give some visibility, and promote a minnow for about a month. Hopefully with a sense of humor.

The primary benefit to the minnow is visibility, and education.
The adopter gets to write a few posts about the minnows and have some fun with them.


Hey there, this is @FknMayhem's alt account.

Here I mostly tumbl (resteem with added commentary and attitude or snark, a form of advanced curation Steem doesn't offer), zapp, post to forums, and submit other miscellaneous mischief. The latter which may or may not include more personal content.

There may be days it can be noisy around here, follow at your own risk. Alternatively, follow my attempts at more in-depth own content on my main account, @FknMayhem.

I am also on zeh Titter. Feel free to pitch me your worthy suggestions there. But make them worth my time, please. A SteemAuto curation trail can be joined here (must be logged in) to support and upvote all great content found and curated.


(*) After all I've only been for few months on the platform myself

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