5 Facts About Me (Expose Yourselves)

There I was,

just posting and curating away as usual

when I was hit in the middle of a comment

by a sucker punch from @ruth-girl:


"PS: In case you missed it, you've been challenged for a 5-Facts-About-Me post, I'll be waiting to see what you got for us ;)"


Five Facts About ME?

Expose Myself?

With No One to Hold My Hand?



Most unfortunately of all,

at this stage in my life,
desperately attempting to shore up
a waning manhood

I am forced, by pride,

to accept nearly any damn challenge!!!

(screams inside)


So here goes:

(flexes his muscles and strikes a pose)


You: "Tell us, @onceuponatime,

will you be transparent, and truthful,

with us in this "5 FACTS DISCLOSURE" thingee?"



Me: "Well, I'll do my best."

"You should be able to see right through me."

The see through "me"


Question: Tell us, @onceuponatime,

have you ever lost everything you own but the clothes on your back?

Answer (Fact 1):

Yes, 3 times........... so far..........



Question: Tell us, @onceuponatime,

is it true that you were born cross-eyed?

Answer (Fact 2):

Yes, it is. I underwent eye surgery three times from ages 3 to 5. The third operation was successful and I have had a singleness of vision ever since. (Well, that's not quite true. My stubborn brain only let's me focus with one eye at a time. That has had the interesting effect, for me, that I can shift the whole world by choosing, alternately, with which eye to focus).

singleness of vision!


Question: We've heard, @onceuponatime,

that you have always been a very private person.

Answer (Fact 3):

Yes, and very much a loner. Socially inept. As a matter of fact until steemit I had avoided any social media like the plague. I was shocked to find myself here, but was kind of forced into it by events at bitshares and in the graphene technology world. And most of my life I wouldn't even allow photos of myself to be taken. It's only the last few years that I have. My very first selfie was only a few years ago too.

my very first (and practically my only) selfie


Question: Well, @onceupontime,

have you ever held an honest job?

Answer (Fact 4):

Of course! I only worked for the government for about 4 years (as a special investigator, tax auditor, and forensic accountant). Most of my other jobs were honest work. Although I can't say that I've held any job at all for quite a while now. But I have done everything from bicycle courier, taxi driver, construction worker, accountant, rum runner, tourist guide, dance school manager, mushroom picker, retail clerk, black marketeer, flower salesman (on street corners), musician, money changer, open pit miner, mill mechanic, ..... , you get the idea. Anything for a buck :-)

my newest selfie (today) - to demonstrate my serious side(s)

Question: So, @onceuponstime,

you do have a serious side? What might that be? Have you ever been anywhere or done anything?

Answer (Fact 5):

Well, when I was still a teenager I traveled across Europe and to Asia, overland, twice, with stops in such places as Iceland, Scotland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Spain, Morrocco, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc. On my second trip I lived in the Himalayas of northern India (the Kulu District of Himichal Pradesh) for 6 years. Back in North America, I returned to university to get a degree with a double major in Economics and Businesss Management. I then studied accounting and had a stint working for the Federal Government.
I left that to become a performance musician during a six year stay in Arizona. I've also done various energy work courses, taken part in ayahuasca ceremonies, handled security at the Survival Camp Sun Dance, participated in and facilitated the original Miracle of Love emotional release intensives in San Diego, and I saw, in person, Jimi Hendrix play the guitar with his teeth :-)


ouzo and out,

p.s. Fact 5(b): I know a thing or three about the crypto movement

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