5 Fun Facts about me Challenge

Hi ! I'm participating in a challenge "5 facts about me", I'm taking the invitation to the challenge from my friend @beiker

5 facts about me

1.-Life with FRIENDS and their families. I like a lot to go outdoor with friends, to the beach or to the mountain not is important. Nature, friends, family ... and, yes, wine and meals (bbq if is possible), music too. Small escapes of tranquility, play with the kids, board games,...dinar.jpg

2.-VINE. I really like the world wine! Wine is probably my greatest hobby, especially Spanish wine (that one I know most). In my agronomist studies I worked in the wine sector to finance them, now I can enjoy wine as a consumer. Better if mix the wine with a good meal!Mauro.jpg

3.-I like participate in POPULAR FESTIVITIES, with the people of the town, in the street or park (like Aplec del cargol, Calçotades, Carnacades......and others). Especially, i like the CORREFOC, feast fire!!, when i was younger I often participated correfoc.jpg

4.-special cooking, i like a lot cook with spices

5.- Basket.....old basket...jejeje

These are my 5 facts

Now it's your turn. Everyone can join the call.
Following the challenge I nominate @planctonica

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