Five Bullet Friday - May 24th

This is the five Bullet Friday post..

[Insert nonesense about where you made this up from]

Of course you know about the 5 bullet Friday..

Tim Ferris of 4 hr body and 4 hr work week fame has a 5 bullet friday where he brings you links to things he found interesting

This isn't anything cool. Just stuff that I've been thinking about lately..

[inserted above]

What's been on my mind lately

  • stand-up class is good. I am more of a storyteller, but I already knew that

  • the Cabaret was fun. Had a good set. Not super sci-fi or anything. Just good ole fashion comedy.

  • I'm certain we flipped universes and are now in the evil 'terran empire' one

  • I'm not sure we'll make it through the next 50 years.

  • last one out, turn out the lights..

Anyhoooo, it doesn't help the upbeatness of posting if you are hungover. Used to be able to do 3 or 4 beers during a show but now think Imma need to dial that back a bit...

And cause I like to end a good 5fingerFriday post with some music.. I give you..

this is their channel, go like, listen, support

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