Trees Keep Falling

I finally got my Garmin Instinct Watch to record an activity. This map shows a walk in the park. The walk started in the middle of one field and ended in the middle of another. Yes, as a matter of fact, I live under park benches. I like to move from field to field to keep from being detected.

Another tree at Churchill Junior High bit the pavement. The first picture showed the cracked trunk with Grandeur Peak in the distance. The second shows it from the path. Having a tree blocking the bike path is actually doing everyone a favor as the path is lousy with goatshead thorns which pop bike tires.

This final picture shows the Churchill Treeline. A few years ago it was solid.

While on the walk, I discovered a poster saying that Cat Stevens was missing. Bobtail Bob went missing a few weeks ago. It is has not been a good summer for kitties.


As I understand the Cat Stevens story went as follows. The family fed the kitty bacon flavored kibbles. The next day, Cat Stevens set out to find a kitty bowl that was halal. Animals suffer when cultures collide. I just hope the kitty found its moon shadow.

I will get back to my posts on history tomorrow. I need to stop this habit of writing posts after midnight.

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