Fishing then and fishing now.


To me as a kid sitting on a bank fishing was the most boring pointless thing imaginable. But now that i'm older sitting there staring at that rod stops time. I get out there and get lost not a care in the world. I often wonder about all the folks in the world that don't get the chance to find something to get lost in no matter what theirs may be. And what about the poor souls whom are constantly lost in nothing. Why or what is it you think that prevents us as human beings from having an open honest conversation amongst us not the channeled through labeled as divided because of what nothing right? Fishing is'nt about catching fish as much as it is catching a moment to not listen, not be told but to open your mind to be able to think for yourself if about nothing else than what hook to use. Because remember its your mind as Curtis Mayfield said its been with you this whole time.

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