Fish facts #8 - Jeremy Wade feat. The Largetooth Sawfish [Video]

Critically endangered species of fish like all the sawfish family fishes (6 species). In past and now on, hunted by people for it's unique part of the body which is saw-like rostrum (evolved part of upper jawbones), used as a useful tool, ornament or souvenir. For the fish it's own specialized electro-sensitive tool used to detect, injure and capture it's prey. Surely one of the most interesting species of fish you can yet encounter on this planet. I'm hoping to be able to meet this extraordinary creature in live to directly acknowledge it's very unparalleled being.

 Before you will see the video a short information about this fish.

The Largetooth Sawfish (Latin: Pristis microdon, Latham, 1794)


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes

Subclass: Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays) 

Order: Pristiformes (Sawfish-like) 

Family: Pristidae (Sawfishes) 

Genus: Pristis

Species: P. microdon


 Indo-West Pacific: East Africa to New Guinea, north to the Philippines and Viet Nam, south to Australia. Also Atlantic and eastern Pacific if Pristis perotteti and Pristis zephyreus are synonymized with this species. The original description of Pristis microdon did not give a locality, but most authors have used the name Pristis microdon for the Indo-West Pacific sawfishes of this species group as contrasted from the Atlantic Pristis perottetiand the eastern Pacific Pristis zephyreus

 Size / Weight  

Max length : 700 cm;

common length : 500 cm;

max. published weight: 600.0 kg;

max. reported age: 30 years;


 Marine; freshwater; brackish; demersal; amphidromous:

depth range 0 - 10 m;

Tropical; 24°C - 26°C;

22°N - 39°S, 20°E - 154°E 

 Short description 

 A heavily-bodied sawfish with a short but massive saw which is broad-based, strongly tapering and with 14-22 very large teeth on each side; space between last 2 saw-teeth on sides less than 2 times space between first 2 teeth. Pectoral fins high and angular, 1st dorsal fin mostly in front of pelvic fins, and caudal fin with pronounced lower lobe. Greenish, grey or golden-brown above, cream below. 


 Inhabits sandy or muddy bottoms of shallow coastal waters, estuaries, river mouths, and freshwater rivers and lakes. Usually found in turbid channels of large rivers over soft mud bottoms. Adults usually found in estuaries and young ascend into fresh water. Large adults can also be found in fresh water, but are rarely caught. Feeds on benthic animals and small schooling species. Ovoviviparous. The saw is used for grubbing and attacking prey as well as for defense. The saws sell as tourist souvenirs. Occasionally caught by demersal tangle net and trawl fisheries in the Arafura Sea; possibly extinct in parts of the Indo-Pacific; highly susceptible to gill nets. Utilized for its fins and meat (both of very high value), and skin and cartilage. 

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