Balloon Belly Mollies

2013-05-01 13-38-25a-small.JPG

Also known as: Balloon Molly or Bubble Belly Molly
The closer fish is a male; the one in the background is a female.

One of the great fish for beginners to tropical fish is the Sailfin Molly. The Balloon Belly is a hybrid variation of that popular aquarium fish. It has an arched back and a large, rounded belly. They come in a variety of color combinations involving black, white and yellow. Their dorsal (top) fin is large and the caudal (tail) fin fan-shaped. They will grow to about three inches long.

As in other livebearers, the male's anal fin is long and pointed and the female's is fan-shaped. Females also have the pregnancy spot near the anal fin.

In the wild mollies inhabit the freshwater streams as well as brackish and marine waters of Mexico. In captivity they can live in fresh, brackish or saltwater aquariums. Many authorities claim that brackish water is best but mine are doing exceedingly well in fresh water with some guppies and Corydoras catfish.

They do best in a well-planted tank with good filtration. Keep the water between 72 and 82 degrees F, pH at 7.0-7.8 and hardness at 9.0–19.0 dGH. It is peaceful so other peaceful fish make good companions. (They may eat their own fry or the fry of other tank mates.) They tend to stick to the top and middle of the tank.

Females give birth every 60-70 days to 10-60 fry.

They are omnivorous and require both animal and plant-based foods. The recommended diet includes algae-based flakes and freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex or brine shrimp.


* LiveAquaria.Com: Balloon Molly
* Maguire Farm: Balloon Belly Molly
* PetSmart: Balloon Belly Molly, Assorted

Original photo © 2013 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.
Text © 2017 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.

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