Fishing Gear Trade Fairs (Original) 我也是醉了

According to statistics, China's fishing people more than 10 million annual autumn festival, winter, spring in Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other places will be held fishing gear fairs, which is a grand fishing gear, fishing gear manufacturers from all over the country, there are Fishing gear industry is also the same, the winter season is the fishing gear sales season, although this time is very cold, but the fishing gear stores are needed for the spring of tomorrow, but also in the fishing industry, Prepare the supply.

Auto show car models, car beauty, many auto show changed the taste, has become a model photography exhibition, this year's fishing gear show, the most beautiful than the company.

These are flight attendants do? Actually not

In the hands of the fishing box :)

This fishing factory invited the auto show beauty models, display fishing gear, and fishing people not only love cars, but also love beauty, and saw the company's beautiful models holding fishing rod photos, I was drunk, ha ha , Together to appreciate

据统计,中国的钓鱼人超过1000万,每年秋节,冬季,春季在天津,广州,武汉等各地都会举办渔具展销会,这是一场盛大的渔具采购,有来自全国各地的渔具厂商,也有来自各地的零售和批发,谁多人只知道在广州,天津有汽车展销会,渔具的行业也同样,冬季是渔具销售的旺季,这个时候虽然很冷,但渔具店都需要为明天的春天,准备货源, 车展有车模,香车美女,许多车展变了味道,成了模特摄影展,今年的渔具展,最风光的莫过于这家公司了,这家渔具厂请来了车展的美女模特,展示渔具了,钓鱼的人不仅爱车,也同样爱美女了,

车展有车模,渔具展的模特叫什么呢,我给取个名称 “棍模", 我也是醉了,哈哈!

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