Do you like fish? Grill salmon! - With or without skin?

Grilled salmon - with or without skin?

If you cut the skin, it will be particularly crispy

Salmon loses a lot of liquid during barbecuing and falls apart quickly. If you just want to cook it on a grill, it is advisable to grill the fish with its skin: the skin provides heat protection for the tender fish, the fillet does not stick and stabilizes the meat so that it does not fall apart. You can stabilize skinless salmon by wrapping it in foil, putting it in a grill basket or grilling it on a wooden plank.

You can simply remove the salmon from its skin after grilling or just eat it. Beautifully crispy and well seasoned, it is a highlight on every grill plate! The only important thing is that you descale the skin beforehand. To grill it especially crispy, cut the skin twice lightly with a sharp knife after descaling. This will remove the tension from the surface and give you a chip-like consistency.

There is a preparation method where you only grill the salmon on the skin without turning it over. In this case you should not eat it, as it is exposed to intense heat and probably burns at the end.

Extra tip: You can also take a large piece of salmon with skin, fill it in the middle with lemon, garlic and herbs and fold it up so that you can cook the fish on both sides of the skin. Tie the fillet together and grill on both sides at high heat for about 7 minutes on each side.

Previously published:

What you should know about salmon

How you prepare the salmon for the barbecue

Season the fish well: Marinades

Season the fish well: Rubs

Coming soon:

How to prepare the grill for salmon cooking

Special thanks to @cleverbot, @banjo & @automation for reading this text.

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